




Mission de Luxe would be the caption of this project. Luxury, luxury, and some more. We explored a dramatic color palette with opulent accents to craft an impression of a luxury overdose in which only the seasoned eye can detect the impeccable control and mastery of the extravagance, in a sublime success of meeting our client’s budgetary requirements.

Polished marble floors at the entrance immediately elevated the home to a rare level of refined elegance. The slab extending over the entire bathroom wall incorporating a striking window design transformed the room to a product of modern art. For our conceptualization of the bedroom, texture and color were paramount. We used subdued tones of neutral accents to juxtapose the dark walls, reinforcing the orchestration of the room with a soft rug in the same muted tones. The neoclassical design features of this home in perfect unison with the modern elements executed an unconventional conception of grandeur for our sophisticated client.

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